OREGON — Talent businesses are rallying behind The Grotto Pizzeria with a fundraiser to help pay for extra costs and employee bills after the much-loved restaurant had to close for business due to a pipe burst. “We feel like they would do the same for us, we’re all pulling on the same chain here we all help each other out with whatever happens and it was natural and effortless and felt like a no-brainer to do whatever we could at a moment's notice,” said Guillermo Segura, the general manager at Pump House Burgers & Brews.. Art Bop Beer Company, Pump House Burgers & Brews, and Talent Business Alliance all joined together to help conduct the fundraiser and raffle so the community could help support it.
“The mayor had a lot to do with it, (Darby Ayers-Flood) helped out a lot, Talent Business Alliance as well, and it was pretty easy once you put the word out there people just lined up to help which made it flawless and natural,” Segura said.
Art Bop Beer Company also donated all of the beer for the event as a sign of gratitude for The Grotto Pizzeria being a staple in the community.
“Phoenix Sigalove got in touch with Jeevan from the Pump House to bring music as a benefit show and to just spur a little bit of money from the community to just help The Grotto make it back into their building and we figure that would be the least that we could do was offer some beer for that event,” said David Bartman, owner Art Bop Beer CO.
Employees knew that it was important to help out in a fellow business's time of need but also wanted to give out great service while doing so.
“We’re lucky enough to have a full staff at this moment to be able to put this together and they will work the whole day and we are happy to be able to provide customers with a good experience today,” Segura said.
The Grotto Pizzeria has plans to reopen for business by the end of March.